So in a nutshell, the finale was in two episodes. The first episode we find out about Amon (Noatec or wat the fudge ever).
- Amon and Tarlokk are brothers
- The guy Aang took the bending from got plastic surgery (how in that day in age I couldn't tell you) and married a girl who was one of the healers in Katara's class when she was little. (found that out on Tumblr oooo)
- Amon was a water bender just like Tarlokk (NO WAY?!) and the dad wanted to teach them bloodbending to avenge his loss.
- The dad was like anyone's dead beat dad and made them blood bend innocent animals and even each other but the cool thing was he managed to teach them blood bending without a full moon like he was once able too. and he called Katara an idiot or some evil name xDD
- When the dad asked Amon to blood bend Tarlokk he did. The dad asked Tarlokk to return the favor and he refused. The dad tried to go off and Amon blood bended him, asked Tarlokk to run away with him Tarlokk said no what about mom, Amon called him a bitch and ran off into the night never to be seen again. The dad died cuz he got no revenge xDDDD
- In the end Tarlokk apologized to Korra and Mako.
The next episode was of course the actual finale.
- Korra called Amon on his shit at the rally.
- Amon captured Tenzen and the fam...how? who knows -__-
- Korra and Mako laid them out. Korra saved the family and went after Amon.
- Amon and Korra go at it. Mako tries to help but fail. Amon blood bends them both and takes Korra's bending away.
- Amon's bitch (his right hand) saw him blood bending, got sad cuz he wasted his life for Amon and tried to attack him. he dies.
- Mako manages to light Amon ass up when Amon blood bended him, grabbed Korra and left.
- Amon goes after them, messes up Mako and as soon as the thumb thing happens Korra gets up and AIR BENDS!!!! (YAY)
- so Amon gets exposed cuz she knocks him out the window and everyone see him water bending and he runs off.
- Korra is sad she has no bending, Katara couldn't help her, Mako like the flip flop hoe is was, told Korra he loved her, Korra went and had some Avatar thinking time and Aang and the past Avatars gave Korra her bending back with "RESTORATION BENDING" and she reached the Avatar state and learns she has the same ability to restore.
- Her and Mako make out, She gives Lin Bei Fong her bending back. They all live happily ever after.
- Meanwhile Amon had gone and got Tarlokk and apologized to him. They run away together. Tarlokk commits suicide by using the Equalist shock gloves to blow up the boat, killing both him and Amon.
My thoughts, this is soo not a kids show but it was amazing from day one. Not much I can say now cuz its over but I look forward to BOOK 2 which I think is water O__O xDD.
Til The Next Post!!